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MindFitness Training and Guides (ibook)

Exercise for your mind

Comma is founded on the principle that life is too busy, and if more of us took a breath during our day, we would achieve a higher performing less stressful existence. A comma, in grammatical terms, is placed mid-sentence to remind us to take a breath; likewise a Comma Mindfulness Practice placed in our day will provide our brain with a similar break improving our BrainFitness and response and approach to daily activities. The Brain is our most powerful organ. It controls all. And like all organs and muscles it needs to be running efficiently and in a coordinated fashion. Training our brain to be stronger through formal and informal mindfulness practice makes our brain stronger and better able to cope with the daily pressures of a modern life. Jarrod developed his personal practice with no formal training over years of extensive reading, guided practice and lots of time sitting. Combined with later completing numerous formal courses in Mindfulness and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Jarrod has established his own unique, blended approach to daily mindfulness; part yoga, part adventure flow, and part formal sitting.

Meet Jarrod 2.0. He is passionate about mindfulness meditation for the way it can improve the efficiency of the brain, essentially the brain's fitness, spanning across emotional control, improved concentration and volume of task completion. Jarrod believes this brain training is as important as numeracy and literacy in this high performing busy modern world and teaches Introductory courses and Sports Specialisation Courses as a way of helping more adults get brain fit

- 4 week courses

- one day workshops

- goal specific seminars

- Sport Performance Practices


Tailored Guides and courses to your Sport

Jarrod worked closely with the Yackandandah Pistol Club and developped a 2 days Sport Specific Specialisation course, tailored to the mind challenges that this highly competitive sport requires. MindFitness practices focused on training, pre-match, and during a shooting round were all written to match the needs of this sport and client.

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